Download Aplikasi DCSMS Screenizoid

App for merging images with device picture as template. Available with some templates  available with some templates which can be changed. You can also adding your own font collections by copying namefont.ttf to /sdcard/fonts.  Your font list will appear when you want to change the title of screenshots.

 If the image in disorder, change the lcd density in build.prop to 120

Download DcSMS Screenizoid

Note : 

  • Bagi beberapa sobat yang mungkin kesulitan download file dengan dengan Opera Mini,Silangkah tekan menu pada Opera mini =>pilih enter address/masukan alamatdan hapus semua alamatnya ganti dengan kode berikut:  javascript:alert(showskipad)
  • Lanjutkan klik ok/enter dan lihat hasilnya tombol “Skip add”

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